Say thanks with the best teacher gifts for 2023

Our teachers work hard to inspire and motivate students, they deserve only the best. As the academic year draws to a close, let’s say thank you to our amazing educators. It really is the thought that counts, so share warmth with your teachers with a gift that exudes gratitude.

Gifts for teachers from students

Want to show your appreciation for teachers with something extra special, something that goes above and beyond the expected? As with everything we buy, it’s important to make sure your gift is as good for your teacher as it is for the planet, so we’ve rounded up our favourite sustainable teacher gifts for 2023.

Teacher gift box

Nothing says “I appreciate everything you do” like a personalised gift box for your teacher. Choose a knee blanket to keep them cosy whilst they mark work at home, some cashmere accessories for added comfort and some wee treats to show you care.

Picnic hamper gifts

A picnic hamper is the perfect present for the end of the academic year. Gift your or your child’s teacher a picnic blanket just in time for warmer weather so they can enjoy the summer holidays in style. Choose a small picnic blanket for the teacher on the go, perfect for comfort and convenience.

Personalised teacher gifts

Personal touches are a perfect way to elevate any gift from a present into a treasured keepsake. Add their name or initials with personalised embroidery, or, if it’s a group gift, include the form or class name.

Little gifts for them

If you’re looking for something a little smaller, a wee token of appreciation, our Little Luxuries range is great for gifting. Help them relax after a long day of teaching with a candle and some cashmere socks - and you can’t go wrong with a classic mug!

Gift Cards for Teachers

Still trying to decide what to choose for them? No problem! A gift card will bring just as much joy. Available in value from £5 to £200, send directly to their inbox or make it extra special by posting them a physical card. For an A* gift, get the class to create a video message and include a video gift note with your present - that’s full marks from us.